Employer Mandated Vaccine Programs

Following up on his discussion with WRAL, associate employment attorney Evan Dancy further explains the implications of employer-mandated vaccine programs.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Can an employer institute a vaccine mandate to their employees?
  • What protections are given to employees under the ADA?
  • What if an employee has a disability that prevents them from receiving the vaccine?
  • What is an employee has a sincerely held religious belief that prevents them from receiving the vaccine?
  • Are there any practical considerations employers should take into account before establishing a vaccine mandate?
  • What are the implications of these vaccines being distributed under the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization Act)?
  • Are employers allowed to incentivize employees to receive the vaccine?
  • Are there any potential changes in the law that could affect mandatory vaccine programs in the workplace?

Do you need legal assistance with an employment matter related to mandatory vaccine programs?

If you are facing an unfavorable vaccine mandate in your workplace, reach out to the employment law attorneys at The Noble Law. We provide videoconferencing consultations for individuals in New York and North Carolina. To get in touch, call our Charlotte office at 704.626.6648, Triangle office at 919.251.6008, or New York office at 212.662.6500. Additionally, you can schedule your consultation online on our website for New York or North Carolina.

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