The Noble Law’s employment attorneys provide in depth updates in employment law for both North Carolina and South Carolina. From blogs to news appearances, this is your place for the latest in Employment Law.

What You Need to Know Before Filing a Workplace Retaliation Lawsuit 

Redundancy concept. Know your rights sign.

Workplace retaliation is when your employer treats you unfavorably for exercising your rights. There are several key concepts employees need to understand before filing a workplace retaliation lawsuit.   You will need to know…  Legal Requirements for Filing a Workplace Retaliation Lawsuit  If you were punished by your employer for engaging in a protected action or activity, then you may have grounds to file a workplace retaliation lawsuit. In order to prove that you suffered workplace retaliation, you will first need …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Workplace Retaliation |

How to Tell If You’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated 

wrongful termination stressed worker

Most employees work on an “at-will” basis, meaning they can be terminated at any time for any reason – except for an illegal reason. However, an employee with a contract is technically not an at-will employee. Also, there are over 100 federal laws and numerous state laws that prohibit discrimination or retaliation on various bases. For example, if you filed a workman’s comp claim and received notice of termination shortly after that, you want to know if that is legal. …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Wrongful Termination |

Your Counsel Matters: Top Qualities to Look For in a Workplace Retaliation Lawyer  

The weighing scale of justice Lawyer behind the scenes, law, justice, jurisdiction concept, judge, hammer, lawyer working on documents Laws, advice and ideas

An employer cannot retaliate against workers for exercising certain rights in the United States. However, if you have been harassed, demoted, or terminated for exercising protected rights for yourself and others, you have legal protection from retaliation.  Don’t be intimidated by the process. An employment discrimination attorney is your powerful advocate against employers who violate the law. Continue reading if you need guidance in choosing counsel to protect your reputation and interests.   What Is a Protected Activity?   Protected activities …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Workplace Retaliation |

Recovering Damages for Breaches of Your Executive Employment Contract 

If an employer breaches an employment contract, executives can receive compensatory damages which are equal to what they would have received if the contract had been honored. Sometimes, the employer is responsible for paying out the contract’s full price.   At The Noble Law, we help clients protect their rights when an employer violates an executive employment contract by offering knowledgeable advice, communicating with employers to work out conflicts over contract terms, and / or filing a breach of contract …
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Posted in Executive Compensation, Noble Notes Employment Law Blog |

How to Prove Harassment in the Workplace 

To prove harassment in the workplace, an employee should establish a clear timeline, gather evidence, keep good notes, and find potential witnesses. Everyone has the right to work in a safe environment free from harassment in all of its manifestations from micro-aggressions to outright discrimination. Still, workplace harassment often goes unreported or unaddressed and targeted employees suffer silently.  The Noble Law works with courageous, hard-working people who simply want to work in peace in a supportive environment without fear of …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Workplace Harassment |

Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 

Workplace sexual harassment is abhorrent behavior. No one’s career should be derailed because of it. Our mission is to ensure that employers who allow sexual harassment in the workplace are held legally responsible.    Sexual harassment can take the form of many types of behavior, ranging from lewd gestures to demands for sexual favors to unwelcome or forceful touching. If you have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, or if you are not sure if what you experienced technically qualifies …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Workplace Harassment |

How to Handle Wrongful Termination Claims in a Remote Workforce

In general, the law provides the same protections to remote workers as with in-office workers when it comes to wages, overtime, paid leave, workplace discrimination, and wrongful termination. If you work remotely in a different state than your employer and have been terminated from your job illegally, you have the right to take legal action, though which state’s laws apply to your claim will depend on several factors. See below for information on how to determine which state jurisdiction applies …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Wrongful Termination |

The Use of Severance Agreements in Tech Layoffs

Raleigh, Durham, and Charlotte are among the top tech hubs in the country. Recently, major companies in Research Triangle Park announced layoffs, job cuts, and workforce reductions, all part of a national downturn trend in tech. The widespread use of severance agreements in the tech industry may blunt the initial effects of job loss. Severance agreements include not only financial compensation after the layoff but health insurance and other benefits. Remember that you do not have to accept your employer’s …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Wrongful Termination |

How to Determine if You Qualify for Wrongful Termination?

Layoff announcements from companies in the technology and finance sectors have unleashed an atmosphere of fear among employees who are concerned about whether their jobs are secure. There are no laws that prevent companies from cutting their workforce. Nonetheless, a company cannot use downsizing as a pretext to fire an employee for discriminatory or other unlawful reasons. The South Carolina employment lawyers at The Noble Law represent employees in wrongful termination lawsuits against their former employers. Determining your eligibility to …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Wrongful Termination |

What is Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination (SOGI)?

It’s illegal to discriminate against a person based on their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI).  In Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, the  U.S. Supreme Court made it clear that sexual orientation and gender identity are protected under Title VII. The Court ruled on the meaning of sex discrimination in Title VII  Civil Rights Act, held that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination is sex-based discrimination within the meaning of the Act. How Do I Know If …
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Posted in Noble Notes Employment Law Blog, Workplace Discrimination |