Your Counsel Matters: Top Qualities to Look For in a Workplace Retaliation Lawyer  

An employer cannot retaliate against workers for exercising certain rights in the United States. However, if you have been harassed, demoted, or terminated for exercising protected rights for yourself and others, you have legal protection from retaliation.  Don’t be intimidated by the process. An employment discrimination attorney is your powerful advocate against employers who violate the law. Continue reading if you need guidance in choosing counsel to protect your reputation and interests.  

What Is a Protected Activity?  

Protected activities can include:  

  • Opposing a discriminatory practice 
  • Requesting an accommodation for a disability or religious practice 
  • Refusing to violate the law 
  • Participating in an employment discrimination proceeding, for example, by providing information to the investigator 
  • Collecting evidence of the violation of law or unlawful retaliation 
  • Acting in concert with other employees to improve working conditions  

More specifically, a protected activity might be asking about discrepancies with overtime pay or hours of work, filing a discrimination complaint, reporting safety violations, or exercising one’s right to unpaid, protected leave from work through the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA.)  

You can even be protected if the boss made a mistake in thinking that you engaged in a protected activity when you actually did not. 

Look for Skills and Experience  

If you need a lawyer who respects your right to a safe and equitable workplace, look at their skills and experience. At The Noble Law, we are one of the largest employment law firms in North Carolina. Our Partners and Senior Attorneys have more than 15 years of experience. As a result, we have the desire and the skills to help people struggling at work or that have been wrongfully terminated. 

Look for Reputation and Reviews  

The best law firms have websites with comprehensive and valuable information, including their practice areas, reported cases, and information about significant court decisions that impact this field. There should also be details about each partner, including education, experience, and memberships. Testimonials from past clients will also provide objective feedback on a firm or an individual attorney. Consider multiple reviews to determine whether a workplace retaliation lawyer is reliable and trustworthy.

Look for Communication and Availability   

You want a lawyer who is a strong advocate and keeps you informed and updated at every stage of the legal process. When you have questions or concerns, your lawyer should be easily accessible and respond in a timely manner. In addition, the best attorneys will respect your contributions, as they are often helpful to winning the case. 

Empathy and Compassion  

Trusting a lawyer with the private details of a workplace grievance can be challenging. Retaliation from an employer is distressing, especially when it impacts your job, salary, and reputation. At The Noble Law, we believe compassion is as important as legal acumen. We put ourselves in your shoes and use every legal remedy available to resolve your matter so you can focus on your future.  

A Personal Approach  

At The Noble Law, you’ll see we offer the exceptional service of a large practice—with the personal care and attention of a small boutique firm.  

It’s hard to leave work disputes at the office. That stress can carry over into your everyday life, affecting your health, relationships, and overall quality of life. Let our team ease that burden. We listen. We hear you. We understand. Call to schedule a consultation in our North and South Carolina locations.

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