Leveling The Field

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Charleston Gender Discrimination Lawyer

Let our experienced employment law attorneys advocate for you.

If your career has been harmed by workplace discrimination, including discrimination based on gender, The Noble Law can help you fight back to level the playing field and get the fair treatment you deserve. South Carolina law clearly forbids discrimination based on sex concerning any aspect of employment. If you have been discriminated against at work because of your gender, we can help. While it has been a long, multi-generational road for women to get the respect they currently do in the workforce, there is still much work to be done. Our South Carolina sex discrimination attorney is here to listen – we’ll review your situation and provide the support and counsel you need to decide which next steps are right for you. Speak with our gender discrimination lawyer in South Carolina to have your questions answered.

Definition of Sex and Gender Discrimination in South Carolina

At the federal level, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.  Title VII prohibits discrimination in many areas of professional activity such as compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment.  Moreover, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act allows women to file charges for pay discrimination under Title VII.

The South Carolina Human Affairs Law bans discrimination on the basis of race, national origin/ethnicity, religion, age, disability, color, and sex. This fairly broad law covers a lot of professional activity regarding how to seek, hire, and treat employees. Additionally, this law makes it illegal to retaliate against someone because they complained about discrimination based on one of these categories.

Examples of Sex Discrimination in the South Carolina Workplace

Title VII and the SC Human Affairs law forbid gender discrimination or sex-biased practices involving:

  • Job advertisements
  • Recruitment
  • Application and hiring decisions made based on gender
  • Job referrals
  • Training
  • Harassment
  • Pre-employment inquiries
  • Discipline
  • Termination
  • Employment references
  • Job assignments and promotions
  • Pay and benefits

For those who have faced discrimination based on gender in the above categories, whether it was a supervisor consistently assigning women to lesser tasks, a hiring or promotion given to a less-qualified man over a woman, or harassment based on gender in the workplace, there is help available.

Speaking with an experienced South Carolina gender pay gap lawyer is a key step towards fully protecting your rights under the law. Victims of sex discrimination at work may be entitled to legal damages for lost income, emotional anguish, and more.

Speak With a South Carolina Gender Discrimination Lawyer Today

For many, discrimination at work can be a traumatic event that can prevent the career advancement and financial rewards that you rightfully deserve. This is even harder to accept due to the fact that our society has largely moved on from the typical gender roles of yesteryear, making these incidents a glaring contrast to how a professional environment should encourage the careers and advancement of all involved, regardless of gender.

The knowledgeable gender discrimination lawyers at The Noble Law can consult on your situation, help determine if you have a case, and then guide you every step of the way to a fair resolution.


The Noble Law offers legal advice and consultations on employment issues in-person, through video, and by phone. The first step is to call the office in your area.
Call Us
Charlotte: 704.626.6648
Raleigh-Durham: 919.251.6008
South Carolina: 864.565.9059